Title | Category | Tags | Skill Level |
ACCESS HPC Workshop Series | Learning | deep-learningmachine-learningneural-networks +12 more tags | |
ACES: Charliecloud Containers for Scientific Workflows (Tutorial) | Learning | ACESTAMUSCRATCH +10 more tags | |
DeepChem | Tool | pytorchtensorflowcomputational-chemistry | |
GPU Computing Workshop Series for the Earth Science Community | Learning | optimizationperformance-tuningprofiling +16 more tags | |
Numpy - a Python Library | Tool | documentationbig-datadata-analysis +5 more tags | |
Reinforcement Learning For Beginners with Python | Video | deep-learningmachine-learningtensorflow +3 more tags | |
TensorFlow for Deep Neural Networks | Tool | documentationfastertensorflow |