Awesome Jupyter Widgets (for building interactive scientific workflows or science gateway tools) |
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aicomputer-graphicsplotting +33
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Benchmarking with a cross-platform open-source flow solver, PyFR |
Tool |
finite-element-analysisbenchmarkingparallelization +6
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Building the ArduPilot environment for Linux |
Docs |
profilingdata-transfergithub +10
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Containerized Jupyter Notebooks for HPCs |
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cloudcloud-computingopenstack +20
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Creating a Mobile Application |
Website |
githubcompilingprogramming |
Git Branching Workflow and Maneuvers |
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githubgit |
GPU Computing Workshop Series for the Earth Science Community |
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optimizationperformance-tuningprofiling +16
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Guide to building AirSim on Linux machines |
Docs |
documentationgithubgithub-pages +2
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How the Little Jupyter Notebook Became a Web App: Managing Increasing Complexity with nbdev |
Learning |
data-sharingdata-management-softwaredata-reproducibility +21
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Running Particle-in-Cell Simulations on HPC |
Docs |
githubgithub-pagesnovel-accelerators |
Science Gateway Tool/Web App Template (Jupyter Notebook + ipywidgets) |
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data-analysisgithubastrophysics +17
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Version control with Git |
Learning |
version-controlgithubgit |